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Chronic dry mouth is a recognized medical condition that occurs when a person experiences a significant decrease in saliva production on a regular basis. Saliva plays a critical role in maintaining your daily oral health because it washes away food particles and bacteria regularly.

Your dentist, Dr. Justin Nichols, encourages you to investigate the cause of your chronic dry mouth issues so you can find an effective treatment.

Many prescription medications cause dry mouth. In a situation like this, you should talk to your physician about your options. It’s important to keep taking your medication, so there are a few daily habits that might help reduce the problem. You could sip water frequently throughout your day, chew sugar-free gum and reduce the salt in your diet. In some cases, your physician might prescribe artificial, supplemental saliva drops.

Regular tobacco use and frequent alcohol consumption can also dehydrate you and impair the natural activity of your saliva glands.

Some types of oral and pharyngeal cancer also can cause reduced saliva production. If you notice dry mouth and swelling in your mouth, neck or throat, you should seek medical attention to confirm the diagnosis and discuss possible treatment options.

If you would like help identifying the cause of your chronic dry mouth in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, you should call Prairie Dental Center at (605) 335-8640 to schedule an appointment with your dentist, Dr. Justin Nichols.