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Did you know that root canal therapy isn’t as bad as you think? In fact, most patients who have undergone the treatment say it’s comparable to having a cavity filled. Still, we understand that having root canal therapy probably isn’t something you’re exactly looking forward to. But waiting to have a root canal treated is usually a bad idea.

Sadly, there are many consequences of postponing this important procedure. For example, you may need root canal therapy because of an infection inside your mouth. If left untreated, your tooth could die and your infection can become worse. Similarly, your infection could spread to your other teeth or your gums, which could result in gum disease or lead to more teeth needing root canal therapy. An infection in your mouth can also spread to your body, leading to heart problems, inflammation, or a stroke.

But how should you recognize a root canal. We recommend visiting your dentist twice a year for an annual cleaning. This will let your dentist diagnose your condition. You see, at times it may be very difficult for you to identify the need for root canal therapy: frequently, there are no obvious symptoms. However, at other times, the following symptoms could be a sign that you need root canal therapy :

  • A persistent or painful pimple that appears near your gum line. This pimple may be filled with pus.
  • A toothache that may get worse when you bite into something or apply pressure
  • Swelling or tenderness on the gums.
  • Temperature sensitivity. This may be pain when you bite into something hot or cold.
  • Discolored or darkened teeth.

If you are worried about the health of your smile, or have any questions about why you shouldn’t wait for root canal therapy, please feel free to contact us.